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Gym Policies & Reminders

Information for Families Can be Found Below

Helpful Info & Reminders

  • As a parent, we know that you are excited about your child’s learning and growth. We are always happy to discuss your specific questions after a class if the teacher is available or at a scheduled time.
  • Please note that we will not allow parents to direct their child from the spectator area as this is disruptive to other adults in the waiting area and to our instructors and athletes on the floor.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the gym area with their student. Only Little Dippers should be accompanied by an adult.
  • Parents staying to watch classes, should do so from the spectator area and not from the walkway along the wall of the gym area.
  • Please use the sidewalks! If we can keep the amount of water and mud tracked into the gym, we have a better chance of keeping it clean!

Class Preparedness

  • Please take preschoolers to use the bathroom prior to the start of class.
  • Leotards are not required. Clothing must be close fitting and not have snaps, hoods, skirts, buttons or zippers.
  • No crop tops or two piece leotards
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • No jewelry in class.
  • No chewing gum in class.
  • Socks are optional. Bare feet are preferred. Only grippy bottom socks are allowed.

Dismissal Policy

All students will be dismissed from the front of the gym area. Parents must enter the gym to pick up their student. Students will not be allowed to exit the building

Stay Connected!

We’ve upped our social media game. Please make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get updates and important information about the gym. Especially as inclement weather season is approaching.

Inclement Weather Policy

We post any last minute schedule changes and announcements on Social Media and your parent portal under News.

Please note: We DO NOT follow Howard County School Closings. We DO NOT update our phone recordings.

Safety Reminders

*Students should NOT be dropped off. Please walk your student in each week and make sure they are in the care of their coach. Students must be picked up after class. Students will not be allowed to exit the building without an adult present.

*Please remind your child of the importance of listening and following instructions.

* Please do not leave children unattended in any of the waiting areas.

*Please do not coach your child from the stands or allow them into the gym area without a teacher.

*Although we clean the gym daily – germs can spread quickly! Please have your child wash their hands before and after every class session.

Not Feeling Well? We have Make Ups!

If your child is not feeling well, please do not bring them to class.

Our Make up policy allows 1 Make Up from each month. Attendance is taken each class and a Makeup Token is issued for the month. Instructions for sign up can be found on our website under Program Registration > Make Ups. Please make sure you are able to attend your class. There are no make up tokens issued for missed make up classes.

NO Photography or Video Permitted

As advised by child advocate safety groups and for the protection, safety and privacy of our students and employees, photography is strictly forbidden. Please do not take offense if our coaches ask you to put away your phones and stop videoing. We will provide opportunities during the year for parents to take pictures.